Tomorrow, Hidden in Des Moines

Local Business to host metro wide scavenger hunt

There is a room in Des Moines that cannot be found on a map. It moves and changes in shape and size, and only appears when one requests or very carefully plans it.

If you think I’m writing a short story and ripping off contemporary British literature, then you’re mistaken. I’m talking about The Rook Room, a business dedicated to serving lovers of board games and puzzles in the metro.

The Rook Room is the brainchild of two friends, Tony and Annelise. When I spoke with Tony, he described the inception of the business as a genuine moment of geekiness. The two bonded a over their interest in board games and chatted about visiting board game bars in other cities. This then led them to ask the most Des Moines of all questions, “why not here”? The Rook Room was born, christened with a sold out CLUE-themed event in late Summer of 2019. There is no physical “home-base” yet, making Tony and Annelise defacto event planners for the time being. Still, this hasn’t stopped them from hosting dozens of events and even offering some merchandise like custom jigsaw puzzles featuring local artists.

Treasure Quest, Literally Hidden in Des Moines

I was personally familiar with the Rook Room before this week, but what finally grasped my attention was the concept of a metro-wide scavenger hunt this Saturday, May 28th. I call myself Hidden Des Moines, how could I NOT be interested?

This will be the 2nd annual Treasure Quest, which is Tony and Annelise’s celebration of National Scavenger Hunt Day. This year, the game is themed after an 16-bit video game (that means we want to see you there, geeks at Up-Down). There will be 10 themed purple coins spread in places that are unique to the Rook Room and the coins serve as prizes redeemable with the business. Watch the Rook Room’s Instagram and their website’s Treasure Quest page for details and hints. The earliest hints go out to subscribers of their email list.

For a Saturday I encourage you to do what I do, wander and ponder and look for hidden details in Des Moines.

Treasure Quest will occur rain or shine. Please take care to understand that coins will not be placed in dangerous or inaccessible locations. You will not need to climb, crawl, destroy property, or defeat any enemies to retrieve coins. Please play safely and respect the people and environment around you. Once you have found one coin, you have won and you may not redeem another. (One per person, please).


Hi, I’m Mr. Hidden


What’s with this gigantic swiss cheese?